Tuesday, May 27, 2014

10 held for illegal fishing

10 held for illegal fishing

The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) nabbed 10 men for fishing illegally in waters six nautical miles off the Tioman Marine Park in Endau.

In a routine patrol on Sunday at about 9pm, MMEA officers spotted two suspicious fishing boats.

Kuantan Maritime District 8 operation director Commander Abdul Rahim Ramli said the two boats had encroached on waters near the marine park where fishing is prohibited.

Upon checking, the enforcement officers found 1,050kg of fish. They immediately arrested the crew and seized the boats.

"The boats were towed to the Tanjung Gemuk jetty in Mersing and 10 men, including five foreigners, aged between 24 and 60, were detained to facilitate investigations under section 8(b) of the 1985 Fisheries Act," said Rahim.

Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency officers inspecting one of the detained boats at Tanjung Gemuk jetty in Mersing.

~News courtesy of New Straits Times~

Wednesday, May 7, 2014































据报导,柔佛州旅游、商贸及消费事务委员会主席拿督郑修强曾透露,东海岸经济发展特区拨出的2千万令吉的款项,主要为5个岛建设及提昇基本设施,如电灯、行人道及医药设备等。其中,1千万令吉的款项將投入大岛,其中400万令吉的款项將用作建造一座水族馆;另外1千610万令吉,则分別在大岛、诗布岛和澳岛(Pulau Aur)建造3座具现代化和安全的码头,並已在去年完工。


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Litterbugs make a mess of Air Papan

Litterbugs make a mess of Air Papan

Even though rubbish bins have been provided by the Mersing District Council and Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Corporation (PPSPPA), some irresponsible people are throwing rubbish indiscriminately at tourist attractions in the district.

These include the once pristine Air Papan beach. It is in danger of losing its reputation as rubbish is strewn all over the place by inconsiderate visitors.

Air Papan recorded more than half a million visitors last year. It is known for its natural splendour and jungle trekking activities. Every May 1, a festival called Pesta Air Papan is held here with cultural shows and traditional games, and local delicacies.

Many homestays and chalets have mushroomed along Pantai Gorek beach, Penyambung and Tanjung Resang to cater to the increasing number of visitors but there is a lot of rubbish along the main roads. A villager, who declined to be named, said the authorities should step up enforcement and slap heavier penalties on those who litter as a deterrent. The villager, who sells bottled drinking water and titbits to visitors, said he often saw locals, especially youngsters, throw food wrappers on the beach even though a rubbish bin was in sight.

He said picnickers also threw leftovers into the sea and these were washed ashore later.

He said he had also seen rubbish such as food and baby’s diapers being thrown out of the windows of moving vehicles.

Intan Nur Jannah Mat Rawi, a 25-year-old visitor, said locals continued to have a couldn’ care less attitude despite countless nationwide awareness campaigns against littering.

“Foreigners often carry rubbish bags and ensure that they put their rubbish into these bags and take them along when they leave, while locals just litter everywhere. “When they are told to pick up their rubbish, some of them become violent and asked us to mind our own business,” she said.

Air Papan village security and development committee chairman Mohd Asri Jaafar said he was ashamed of the attitudes of several chalet operators who contributed to the problem by throwing rubbish by the roadside.

He said it was embarrassing to see visitors, especially foreigners, pinching their noses because of the foul smell.

He said some visitors took pictures of the rubbish and uploaded it on their Facebook pages and blogs, and criticised the authorities for not taking the appropriate measures.

PPSPPA director Asri Amat said: “We have distributed free wheelie bins, or rubbish bins fitted with wheels for easy disposal, with a capacity of 1,100 litters in Air Papan. “There are also compactor rubbish trucks that pick up rubbish six times a week and cleaners who sweep the roads and clean the area. We have invested our resources to provide a strategic and effective disposal service. All that is needed here is for the people to change their attitude and dispose of their rubbish into bins.”

Air Papan recorded more than half a million visitors last year.

~News courtesy of New Straits Times~